Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wedding or Elope?

Since I was a little girl, I had that typical princess dream almost every girl wants when they grow up.  To find their prince and have that huge wedding.  Maybe that was just my dream but moving on.

I found the prince (well let's just say he is) and he seems to be everything you need in life.  Sarcasm, Humor, Natural Dumbness & Completely a Loving Moron  (Honey I mean this with so much love, believe me)

I found the kind of venues and decorations, and basically the dream I wanted since forever.  They always say, its cheaper to dream and maybe I should have just stuck with that.

Now getting the prince to finally agree to marry in a big wedding has taken some time, why I do not know because I would like to consider myself a fabulous catch who deserves the biggest ball but apparently that might just be all in my mind.  So now that we are on the same page...it's time to get the ideas and plan.

And now I am wondering, why exactly they say dreaming doesn't cost you a thing, so dream away.  When you finally start putting together numbers, you reali'ze, hey I can do that and that doesn't seem so bad.  It's when you finally add them all together that the big "F" word hits you right in the face.  What's even better is planning a huge party when YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB!  Nevertheless, this wedding will proceed, even if I must be in debt for years to come, I want my special day.  I'm going to regret it I know it, but you only live life once.

Oh did I mention I have one of the most unique romantic men in my life, who really does pick a verbal engagement and a wedding date before ever giving you a ring.  This is some Mr. Big in Sex and the City stuff and we know how that turned out...ummmm.....(silence)....okay...moving on.  

Dress shopping-  Wouldn't you know all the dresses I want and like are 3 grand up!!!  What happened to the $99 dollar sales?!?!  Not even a wedding gown from MOM DAD & ME are $99.  I might need to risk my life and go shop for a wedding dress in Mexico.  I heard they are quite beautiful and cheap, now if you can escape the drug wars, you are on the road to paradise.

Venues-  I found a location, okay I found 5 but who's counting.  They all offer, elegance, delicious meals, a night you won't forget and a sweet price tag.  But with that charming number they throw at you, that doesn't seem to include gratuity or taxes.  (I'm truly excited)

Decorations- Let's just say I have an idea but haven't really looked into them or pricing.

Photographers- Yeah haven't touched that either.

Flowers- Ehhh

Dresses, rings, momentos, cakes- Ummm I tried but got overwhelmed

Church- I have one in mind

Soooooooooo now if I elope, you save on the money and you get a destination wedding out of it.  But you don't have the guests, the big fiesta, the sweet childhood memory you had for years, basically the "I'm the princess and it's a me day" kinda ball.  What to do, what to do, what to do??? 

How about we just start with "Maybe, you think I can possibly have my ring now, please?? Thanks love of my life!"

And for those who know me, they know what idea I am going to run with so this blog was basically pointless!  Well not entirely because I did need to vent.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Tell my friend to bring on the ring man!!!!!!!! Oh you know that Steve wants to be the photographer for this event of the decade!!!!!
